Phone Number

+1 (408) 583-5099

1101 S Winchester Blvd

Suite A-103, San Jose CA 95128

Life Coaching

Wheel of Wellness

This W.O.W. Life Coaching Program is tailored towards people who are seriously looking for an updated version of themselves. I work with individuals who are driven and ready to transform and reach beyond their imagination. 

Why is W.O.W. Transformation Life Coaching Different?

Jasmine's W.O.W. Transformation Coaching

  • 10 weeks of one-on-one 80-minute sessions with Jasmine (8 focus areas are Self, Mind, Brain, Body, Past, Now, Vision, Transcendence) 
  • W.O.W. Workbooks
  • 8 personal customized hypnosis recordings just for you 
  • Brain Health Coaching
  • A full qEEG Brain Map and report of findings

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
The Alchemist


Performance Coaching